Social Services
Santa Clara Pueblo Social Services objective is to improve the quality of life for tribal members of Santa Clara Pueblo. The Santa Clara Pueblo Social Services Program and the ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act) promotes the protection and welfare of children, the elderly and families to prevent the abuse, neglect or exploitation. The overall objective of our Program is to provide child abuse & neglect services; adults in need of assistance; and adults under legal disability. Social Services also supports at-risk families to allow children to remain with their families.

The Social Services Program also offers the following:
- Child Protection/Adult protection
- Case Management for children, adults and seniors
- Indian Child Welfare Act
- Burial Assistance (Must meet eligibility requirements)
- General Assistance (Must meet eligibility requirements)
- Foster Parent Training
- Substance/Alcohol Abuse Services, advocacy, referrals
- General Case Management
- 24/7 on call schedule
Social Services also networks on collaborative efforts for additional resources which may benefit the families of our community on prevention and education with other Tribal departments.
- Vacant (2) Tribal Social Caseworkers
Contact Information
Office Number: (505) 753-0419 or (505) 692-6250
Fax: (505) 753-0420
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 580 Espanola, NM 87532
Physical Address: 402 State RD. 30 Espanola, NM 87532